Monday, January 5, 2009

Well it's been a while...

Life does have a tendancy to get in the way sometimes, doesn't it?

I really DID get my recommended black belt after a 3 hour test in the beginning of November. It was hard and painful, but well worth it. It was awesome that we got small breaks since such a wide swath of people were taking the test. I think that was the only way I made it through. Especially since the test started with calisthenics and 100 push ups! Great way to begin!!

It was bag workout, all the forms, prearranged, kicking combinations, basics across the floor and breaking. Whew. It was hard but awesome.

Now it's the new year and I have to get back in it. I've been gone from TKD for about 3 weeks now and I'm feeling it BIG time. It just leaves such a hole in your life when you're so used to it for so long. It'll come I suppose.